Transitioning from Special Education to Post-Secondary Education: Challenges and Opportunities


  • Dalal R Assistant Professor


Transition, Special education


Disabled students are at a pivotal point in their education as they move from special education to higher education. At this juncture, students face a special set of circumstances that can have a profound effect on their educational, social, and professional futures. the complex nature of making the leap from special education to higher education, illuminating the challenges faced and the possible routes to overcoming them. Aims to provide a complete overview of the complexities surrounding this transition and provides insights for promoting a more inclusive and equitable educational landscape for children with disabilities by drawing on current research, policy concerns, and practical initiatives. overcoming obstacles and making the most of opportunities, we can give these students a fighting chance for a successful college career.


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How to Cite

Dalal, R. (2023). Transitioning from Special Education to Post-Secondary Education: Challenges and Opportunities. Global International Research Thoughts, 3(1), 9–13. Retrieved from



Original Research Article