The Intersection of Trauma and Special Education Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools Manoj Sharma


  • Sharma M


Adverse Childhood Experiences, Special Needs Education


The intersection of trauma and special education within the context of trauma-informed practices in schools represents a critical area of concern in modern education. Special education encompasses a diverse group of students with various disabilities, while trauma can significantly impact a student's cognitive, emotional, and social functioning. Recognizing and addressing trauma within the special education setting is essential to creating a supportive and conducive learning environment for these students. Trauma, whether resulting from adverse childhood experiences or other sources, can profoundly affect a student's ability to engage in special education programs effectively. The impact of trauma extends beyond emotional distress; it can manifest as challenges in attention, self-regulation, memory, and forming secure relationships. These difficulties can exacerbate the existing barriers that students with disabilities already face, making it imperative for educators to adopt a trauma-informed approach. informed practices offer a holistic framework for addressing the needs of students who have experienced trauma. These practices emphasize creating a safe, empathetic, and nurturing environment within educational institutions.


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How to Cite

Sharma , M. (2019). The Intersection of Trauma and Special Education Trauma-Informed Practices in Schools Manoj Sharma . Global International Research Thoughts, 7(1), 1–7. Retrieved from



Original Research Article
