Overview of research studies in special education in India


  • Sharmista Chaudhary Assistant professor


special education, inclusive education


A synopsis of the several studies conducted in India on the topic of special education. Recent findings from studies done to better understand and satisfy the needs of students with disabilities, with a focus on key topics, methods, and conclusions. Methods for Inclusive Education; Teacher Education; Disability-Specific Interventions; Assessment and Evaluation; Parental Involvement; and Many Other Topics. This review aims to provide light on special education's successes, shortcomings, and potential future research directions in the Indian setting.


I. P. Desai & B. L. Kothari (Eds (2019). New Directions in Indian Special Education Research. The Sage Press.

(Editors) Gupta, R., and Sood, S. (2017). International Perspectives and Practices for Inclusive Education in India. Mehta, S., and A. Bhagat (Eds.), Springer (2016). Education for All: India's Struggles and Policies. Routledge.

(Eds.) Mohanty, M., and P. Balaram (2021). Policies, Practices, and Viewpoints on Special Education in India. Springer.

Singal, N., and D. Greer (2013). The History, Present, and Future of Research on Inclusive Education. Books from Trenton.

Authors (Eds.): Sharma, U., C. Forlin, and T. Loreman (2012). India's Approaches to Inclusive Education: Current Policies, Programs, and Future Directions. Springer.

Banerjee, S., & Singh, M. K. (2017). A Look at the Current State of Special Education in India. In the 43(1) issue of the Journal of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology, authors.

Anupama Vashisht and J. S. Walia (Editors) (2018). Policies, Programs, and Practices in Special Education in India: A Handbook. Vyas, A., and Jain, N., Springer (2014). The State of Special Education in India and What the Future Holds. Five thirty, Journal of Educational Theory and Practice, pp. 49-58.

"Yadav, R." (2019). The Opportunities and Threats Facing Special Education in India. 1-9 in Journal of Social Welfare and Management.




How to Cite

Chaudhary, S. (2023). Overview of research studies in special education in India. Global International Research Thoughts, 11(1), 67–70. Retrieved from http://girt.shodhsagar.com/index.php/j/article/view/92



Original Research Article
