Exploring the Relationship Between Professional Commitment and Emotional Maturity
Professional Commitment, Emotional Maturity, researchAbstract
The vital connection between emotional maturity and professional commitment is examined in this review of the research, along with its implications for both individual and organisational growth. The ability to recognise, comprehend, manage, and make use of one's emotions has a big impact on how well one gets along with others and can handle stress.
Job satisfaction, performance, and loyalty are all correlated with professional commitment, including emotional, continuation, and normative commitment. According to studies, people who are emotionally mature report higher levels of job satisfaction and more positive interpersonal interactions, which strengthen their commitment to their vocation. However, further research is needed to determine whether emotional maturity and commitment to one's career are related. This relationship is being investigated by a study of 200 instructors in Punjab State, however preliminary findings show that more research is necessary because they paint an incomplete picture.
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