Peer Review Policy

Global Innovative Research Thoughts uses a double-blind peer review policy. Which means that both reviewers and writers remain anonymous during double-blind peer review at Global Innovative Research Thoughts (GIRT). Every publishing proposal is reviewed by an editor. If it passes editorial rules and a minimum quality threshold, two reviewers are assigned. The paper will be scrubbed of identifying information before review, so reviewers won't know the author.

Editors will keep reviewers' remarks secret and anonymous before sending them to authors. The Editorial Board accepts or rejects the article based on reviewers' comments. The judgement and referee reports are shared with the writers. Only articles with reviewer approval are published.

All articles will undergo double-blind peer evaluation, which may take 1-2 weeks from submission date. We discourage submitting the same material to many outlets. Global Innovative Research Thoughts (GIRT) promptly reviews and publishes approved manuscripts. To preserve publishing quality, all contributions are carefully screened.

The peer review process has several qualities:
You can't send the same paper to more than one journal at the same time.
Manuscripts with content that isn't in the scope won't be looked at.
Papers will be sent to two or three experts (reviewers) chosen by the editorial board. Preferably, two of the reviewers will be from India and the other one will be from outside the country.
Editors will also be able to ask for more reviews if they think they are needed.
When Editors decide that more review is needed, they will let the authors know. The editors of the journal decide whether or not to publish a paper based on the reports from the referees (Reviewers report).
When a paper isn't accepted, the author is quickly told.
Every submitted manuscript is treated as a private document. All of the articles that are sent in will be reviewed by people who don't know who wrote them.