Legal and Ethical Considerations in Special Education


  • Rani s


Special Education, Legal Framework, Ethical Principles


This field of study delves into the intersection of law and morality, addressing the rights, responsibilities, and challenges associated with special education. From a legal perspective, special education in the United States is primarily governed by federal legislation, most notably the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). This law outlines the rights of students with disabilities to receive a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE). It also establishes the framework for individualized education programs (IEPs) and due process procedures to safeguard these rights. Understanding and navigating IDEA and other relevant laws is essential for educators, administrators, and parents to ensure that students with disabilities receive the services and accommodations they need. Ethically, the field of special education demands a commitment to fairness, inclusion, and the well-being of students with disabilities. Educators and stakeholders must grapple with questions of what is morally right and just when making decisions related to special education services.


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How to Cite

Rani, S. (2016). Legal and Ethical Considerations in Special Education. Global International Research Thoughts, 4(1), 18–22. Retrieved from



Original Research Article
