The Impact of Assistive Technology on Students with Disabilities


  • Manisha Assistant professor in History department Rajiv Gandhi Mahavidyalaya, Uchana, Jind



Assistive technology, Students with disabilities


Assistive technology plays a crucial role in meeting the needs of students with disabilities in special education. The term is used to describe a wide range of resources—from hardware to software—designed to let people with varying needs access information and education on their own terms. the impact that assistive technology has on special education children with disabilities, both in terms of its benefits and its potential drawbacks. This study focuses primarily on the perspectives and experiences of educators, researchers, and other professionals working in the field of special education who have worked with assistive technology. The goal of this abstract is to provide a broad perspective on how assistive technology benefits special education students. To achieve this goal, it will examine related studies and scholarly works.


Anita M. Cook & Susan M. Hussey (2020). Principles and Applications of Assistive Technologies (5th ed.). Elsevier.

D. R. Beukelman & P. Mirenda (2013). AAC: Helping People Who Have Difficulty Expressing Their Thoughts and Feelings (4th ed.). Publication House of Paul H. Brookes.

D. L. Edyburn (2013). Research and Practice in Special Education Technology Handbook. Committee for Gifted and Talented Youth.

P. Reed & G. Bowser (2019). Assistive technology is being used in the classroom to help students with disabilities become more independent. 259-263 in Intervention in School and Clinic's 55th Annual.

Arthur-Kelly, M., and Sigafoos, J. (Eds.). (2019). Helping People Who Have Multiple Disabilities Through Assistive Technology. Springer.

G. C. Vanderheiden (2016). An International Perspective on Disability Policy and Technology. Routledge.

Wehmeyer, Michael L., and Ruth L. Schalock (2020). Technology and Individual Choice in Special Education. Committee for Gifted and Talented Youth.

Editor: Burgstahler, S. (2015). Applying Universal Design Principles in Higher Education (2nd ed.). Harvard University Press Books.

Among his many publications, J. S. (2016). Important Factors to Think About When Deciding on Assistive Technology Using the SETT Framework. You may get the sett framework here: framework.pdf.

E. Blackhurst & D. L. Edyburn (2014). Elementary school classrooms' use of assistive technology (AT) for kids with disabilities: a study of efficacy, efficiency, and sustainability. 29(2), pp.41-54 in Journal of Technology in Special Education.



DOI: 10.36676/girt.2023-v11i1-03
Published: 30-06-2023

How to Cite

Manisha. (2023). The Impact of Assistive Technology on Students with Disabilities. Global International Research Thoughts, 11(1), 11–15.



Original Research Article
