Collaborative Partnerships between General and Special Education Teachers


  • DR. SURENDER Assistant professor M R Nauhnty college of Education Kherka Gujjar Jhajjar Haryana



Collaborative partnerships, General education teachers


It is impossible to meet the requirements of kids with varied abilities without the close collaboration of general and special education teachers. the importance of inclusive practises and the results of joint collaborations between general and special education instructors in ensuring that students with disabilities have access to the general education curriculum and receive the required help. In inclusive classrooms, teachers from both general and special education classes collaborate to help all students succeed. Teachers can better accommodate students with special needs and accommodate students of varying learning styles by working together to develop effective lesson plans. The education system as a whole benefits when people work together to share resources and best practises.


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DOI: 10.36676/girt.2023-v11i1-08
Published: 30-06-2023

How to Cite

SURENDER. (2023). Collaborative Partnerships between General and Special Education Teachers. Global International Research Thoughts, 11(1), 37–42.



Original Research Article
