Recent trends in Indian Education and special education and inclusive education


  • Seema Assistant professor BABA Mastnath University, Rohtak



Indian education, special education, inclusive education


The field of education in India has made significant strides in recent years, especially in the areas of special education and inclusive education. the most recent developments and innovations in Indian education, with a spotlight on the progress gained in special education and the move toward inclusive education practises. what effect India's different legal and policy initiatives and educational reforms have had on the state of special and inclusive education there. the value of inclusive practises in terms of the equality and inclusion they promote for students with disabilities in the classroom and beyond. implications for the future of inclusive education in India, including the challenges that need to be solved and the directions that should be adopted. With the ultimate goal of creating an inclusive and fair education system for all learners in India, this article aims to shed light on current developments in Indian education, with a specific focus on special education and inclusive education.


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DOI: 10.36676/girt.2023-v11i1-12
Published: 30-06-2023

How to Cite

Seema. (2023). Recent trends in Indian Education and special education and inclusive education. Global International Research Thoughts, 11(1), 58–62.



Original Research Article
