Role of Governmental and non-governmental agencies in general and special education


  • ALI S



governmental agencies, non-governmental agencies, special education, funding mechanisms


Government and non-government organisations do vital work for both the regular and special education systems. the roles that these groups play in making sure that people from all walks of life can take advantage of good educational opportunities. government organisations' responsibilities in creating and enforcing educational policies, regulations, and funding mechanisms, such as education ministries and education departments. nonprofit organisations, community-based programmes, and advocacy groups outside of government that focus on empowering students with disabilities through training and support. Collaborating between government and non-government institutions is necessary for effective educational policy implementation, inclusive service delivery, and the liberation of students with a range of learning requirements.


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DOI: 10.36676/girt.2023-v11i1-15
Published: 11-10-2023

How to Cite

ALI, S. (2023). Role of Governmental and non-governmental agencies in general and special education. Global International Research Thoughts, 11(1), 71–77.



Original Research Article
