Culturally Responsive Practices in Special Education


  • Singh I Associate Professor...Noida College Of Physical Education Noida



Special education, Inclusive education, Cultural diversity


Students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds face unique challenges in the classroom, and these challenges can only be met through the implementation of culturally responsive techniques in special education. These methods encourage teaching strategies that are adaptable to each student's individual cultural, language, and experiential background. student results, family involvement, and educational justice, as well as the value of culturally responsive techniques in special education. To implement culturally responsive techniques in special education, teachers must acquire an in-depth familiarity with their students' cultural identities, including their values, customs, languages, and worldviews. To foster a learning environment that is accepting of and respectful of differing points of view, teachers must first become aware of and then actively work to overcome their own implicit biases and assumptions.


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DOI: 10.36676/girt.2023-v11i1-09
Published: 30-06-2023

How to Cite

Singh, D. I. (2023). Culturally Responsive Practices in Special Education. Global International Research Thoughts, 11(1), 43–46.



Original Research Article
